Put your energy toward worthy things

Posted by on in Blog, Productivity, Self-care | 0 comments

inkEach of us is a tiny inkwell, full of ink.

And every day, we have a chance to write something.

It might be a phrase,

a love letter,

a dirty limerick…

Some days, it might be a scrawled expletive, underlined twice,

a question,

an indecipherable inkblot.

We wake up each morning with a certain amount of energy.

A certain amount of ink.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERASome days, we have more.   Some days, less.

And every day, we write our story.

We spend & share our energies in different tasks, among different people.

I’m wanting to conserve my energies today, so I’m keeping things short & sweet:

Do you like

what you’re writing?

If not, it’s okay.

You can change the quill,

the paper,

the color of the ink, even.

And you can certainly change the words, too.

Today’s post is a simple invitation: put your energy toward worthy things.

Care enough to choose thoughtfully.


Last year:  It’s time for… a break!

Two years ago:  Your five worst online habits

Three years ago:  More apples for you

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