
A mother bird is nestled close to a baby bird; both are sitting together on a sandy beach. Therapy testimonials in Austin, Texas.

Photo by Ray Hennessy on Unsplash

The power dynamic between a client and therapist is a delicate thing— especially when you work with people-pleasers for a living.

Therapy may be the only place a people-pleaser truly doesn’t have to caretake for another, so I protect that space for my clients fiercely.

For these reasons and many others, I don’t solicit testimonials from current or former clients, and I don’t use their words even though some have said or written some very kind things about our work together.

That’s part of why finding therapy reviews online is so hard– we’ve got personal and professional ethics that prohibit us from seeking testimonials and reviews.  But, that doesn’t mean that finding a therapist in Austin has to be a total shot in the dark.

Goodness knows, people are searching for the best therapist in Austin on Yelp, just trying to make sure they’ll be in good hands.  I understand.  It can feel like a true leap of faith to begin therapy.

Two dozen green poppy buds are shown in the foreground. One has begun to bloom, with a single vibrant red petal emerging. Therapy testimonials in Austin.

Photo by Andrea Reiman on Unsplash

I have come up with another way to help give you a sense of me, how I understand the problem of codependency, people-pleasing, and new motherhood— and how I have helped others with these concerns.

These may serve as a testimonial about my knowledge about people-pleasing and codependency, and my interpersonal style.

In the comments section of my blog and on written feedback forms for various workshops I’ve offered, I have gotten feedback that you may find helpful as you search for a therapist.

I put these testimonials here in case you’re seeking more of a sense about how I work and what I can offer.  With the exception of the feedback from past workshop attendees, these are all unsolicited and come from the comments section of my blog.

So, if you’ve gone looking for therapy reviews online, take heart.  There’s still lots of ways to get information and figure out whether you’ll be in good hands.  Browse the testimonials below and then visit my About Me page if you haven’t already, to get a better sense of who I am and how I might help.

After that, if you’re still not quite sure about working together, you’re welcome to write me with a specific question or ask for some referrals.  I’ve got my own opinions about who the best therapists in Austin are– the good news is that there are lots of incredibly gifted therapists in this town.

And, fit is everything in this work.  That’s why an in-person consultation can be so helpful in making a decision you can feel truly good about.  Lots of therapists in Austin offer free consultations for this reason.

Ultimately, the best way to get a sense of me and how we might work together is to come in for a consultation.  You can set one up here.  In the meantime, here are some nice things people have said about my work– none of these comments come from clients, as I’ve mentioned before.


A young woman with long brown hair and a black tank top smiles broadly at the camera, the sun setting warmly over her left shoulder. Top rated therapists in Austin, Texas.

Photo by Hian Oliveira on Unsplash

Ann this is amazing. You are spot on with all of the characteristics. I brought this article to my counselor and I went over each one. I told him how I believe this brings to light what part of my issues are. The funny thing I have in the past told him I was lonely, I didn’t know who I was, couldn’t make goals nor cared about them, lack of intimacy…etc. Thank you for your insight. Maybe someday I will start living for myself.”  -Scott, re: my post “Ten Painful and Hidden Costs of People-Pleasing

Ann is dynamic and warm, offering examples of secure attachment and attunement with those she is training as she teaches.  Beautiful training.  Also, great boundaries with questions during the training.”  -Anonymous workshop participant “Attachment, Temperament, and Attunement”

“I found this very helpful. Thank you for taking the time to create this! I wish I could work with you but I am in New York. Do you know of anyone who specializes in this here, or of any support groups?”  -Erin, re: my post “5 Powerful Cures for People-Pleasing”  (***See my response to her below these comments)

“Thank you so much, Ann. I really enjoyed the workshop. I would recommend you to my friends both for the workshop and for therapy. You have a genuine, warm spirit that shines through.” -Anonymous workshop participant, “Building Your Ideal Internship”

A colorful graffiti image on a white wall of a woman of color wearing a black top and with her hair painted in purples, blues, oranges and reds. The words "Love is Color" is painted in purple to her right. Therapy reviews online in Austin, Texas.

Photo by Chris Barbalis on Unsplash

This is fantastic stuff. I wish you were in N. CA though instead of Texas!!”  -Kim, re: my post “Ten Painful and Hidden Costs of People-Pleasing

“Found your brief insight helpful to me, into my wife’s issue.  Not sure how to help someone who is a “guilt grabber”. And I live too far from Austin, to come sit in your office :>) She definitely grew up with “you are not good enough!” She has and is aware of codependence issues. Thanks, ML”  -Michael L, re: my post “Are you a guilt-grabber?

A woman in a white dress and white hat sits in a doorway looking at her phone. The wall in the background has the words "The best gift is you!" printed on it. Therapy reviews online in Austin, Texas.

Photo by Aziz Acharki on Unsplash

“Part of what makes your workshop so helpful is your positive attitude. So much of what we as students hear on an almost daily basis is that the field is flooded, the competition is fierce, it’s difficult to find a practicum site let alone an internship, making it in private practice is tough, and on and on. After today I have hope that I can do this – that it will take time and effort on my part but I would not have expected otherwise. I really appreciate that instead of coming from fear or worry about competition you seem more interested in inspiring us and seem to be coming from a place of love. So, thank you. It feels good to be finding people like you and creating a community for myself of people whose motivation comes from someplace else besides fear.” -Anonymous workshop participant

Two smiling women of color sit next to each other. One has drawn her arms around the other in an embrace. Therapy testimonials in Austin, Texas.

Photo by Hian Oliveira on Unsplash

Thank you so much for this sensitively, yet forcefully written post about Robin, depression, and suicide prevention. He meant a lot to me, as he did to you and so many others. It’s shocking that it could take down such a powerful force, and beautiful spirit as he. I so appreciate you leveraging this moment to educate. I will share it.”  -Amy M, re: my post “Suicide:  What you should know

This describes me perfectly. In the last 2 days I said something that I thought would be funny and then became so worried I hurt someone’s feelings to the point of obsessing on making it ok ultimately ending up making the person feel uncomfortable.”  -Tim, re: my post “Ten Painful and Hidden Costs of People-Pleasing

I stumbled across your website from reading your guest blog on Tamara’s site. I really enjoyed this blog. I have a private practice in Minneapolis and being that I am in the state of “Minnesota Nice”, I find many people pleasers entering my office. I like how you use the stump metaphor and how you can give too much. I am definitely going to share this blog on my Facebook page for my readers. Thank you for sharing and I look forward to more!” -Lyndsey F., re: my post “7 Signs You Give Too Much

Feedback on past workshops

As I do more and more work with clients, this topic is increasingly important because I can more skillfully see and attune to attachment themes/behaviors in myself and my clients, making me a better therapist.  It’s a topic I keep wanting to come back to—powerful stuff.  Very helpful and engaging.  Wonderful!  Thank you, Ann!”

I paid to attend a private practice building class and this offering was better organized and had more information, particularly LLC/PLLC/S-Corp and website design.  5/5″

Ahhhh!  Holy shit!  This training was exactly what my body, mind, and brain needed.  I feel scared but hopeful and excited.  Ann—your presence, personality and whip smart brain are a breath of fresh air & so fun and informative.  Thank you!!

I really appreciate Ann using a soft but direct approach to allow for the vulnerability and tenderness of exploring the fears/challenges/realities [of private practice.]

Ann is incredible!  A great resource.  Please come back again!  (Share Bonnie [Badenoch]’s training with us!)  Staff a peer group or consult group sometime!”

Loved this training!  Would love to have a consultation group with Ann on attachment.  I really appreciated her authenticity and knowledge.”

“Fantastic!  Ann was engaging and able to read the room.  I really appreciated the ‘real life’ strategies to take into the therapy room, and to check in with myself when needed.”

“I’d like to hear more on this topic from Ann.”

“Loved it!  More on attachment please!”

“Incredibly helpful!”

“As always, engaging and such depth of knowledge.”

I love going to your trainings!  You’re so engaging, knowledgeable, and fun!”

Wonderful energy and presentation.  I tend to connect more with specific clinical examples and appreciate as those come up.  Thanks, Ann!”

“I love that Ann is doing more training with us.  She is a freaking TREASURE!  She is smart as hell, warm as hell (haha), & a great trainer!  Thank you, Ann and TA!”

Ann was incredible.  I have so many new insights into my work with clients of insecure attachment.  I would love a part two or advanced level of this course.”

Ann did a great job!  The presentation was super informative, she had great examples—I learned a lot. Thanks!”

Handouts are very helpful/practical.  Tips for working with different attachment styles was also useful.  Thank you for being honest with your own experiences.”

Fabulous presenter!  Great information and very well-done job relating the info to what happens in the room with clients.  Very well organized and very well done managing time and postponing questions when necessary. ”

Loved this training and Ann’s presence!  Would love a part II/expand on ways to bring these concepts in the room with clients/clinical application.  Thank you!! ????”

“She is a wealth of knowledge and I look forward to hearing more.”

Ann is always able to deliver information in the most relevant and also engaging way!  Information was very useful, broken down in an understandable sequence!!”

Great training!  Appreciated lots of space to feel uncomfortable and empathy around challenges in this area.

Finding a referral in your area that is attachment-informed & fluent in people-pleasing

***If you are outside of Austin and wanting to work with someone like me in therapy, here’s a few tips. 

1.)  Run a google search for a therapist specializing in one or more of the following: people-pleasing, codependency, anxious attachment.

2.)  With the list of therapists your search turns up, look at how the therapist describes their theoretical orientation– that is, their way of understanding how therapy works and what they do.  Make sure that one of the ways they practice is from an interpersonal, relational, or attachment-oriented style.

3.)  I’d also suggest meeting with a couple of people if you can afford to do so, to make sure it’s a good fit!  Many therapists offer a free consultation by phone or in person– take advantage of this. 

4.)  For a group, you might try a CoDA group in your area (codependents anonymous)– it follows an AA model of recovery, so it is not a fit for everyone, but may be worth trying.


Looking for counseling or EMDR therapy in Austin?

Interested in the possibility of working together?

Looking for therapy reviews online won’t get you all the information you need.  A free, in-person consultation is the best way to find the best therapist in Austin for you.

You can schedule a free consultation with me here.