Just say when

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full mugI admit it.

These days, I’m tired.  A lot.

My practice is getting really full.

I’m starting to think about having a wait list of some kind.

And getting together a list of people I can refer to.

And of course, there’s also life outside of work.

Let’s not forget about that.

So life is giving me a run for my money at the moment.

But why am I so tired?

Reason why Ann might be tired: some theories

winter treeI’m working longer hours—that’s an obvious one.

But maybe it’s daylight savings time.  It’s darker earlier, and some part of me might feel like hibernating.

Or is the cold?  That could be it.

Or the reason might be a warmer one.  A friend just gave me this sweet little wrap she made herself.  I’ve been wearing it to sessions quite often these days.  I snuggle into that and feel like dozing off sometimes.

So yeah.  Those are some reasons.

But it’s bigger than any of those.

I’ve been blessed with an outpouring of opportunity in my life, personally and professionally.

And I have a big responsibility here.

I need to remember to say when.  (And so do you.)

Say what?

tea kettleEveryone is particularly focused on gratitude this month.

Makes sense.

Thanksgiving is right around the corner, after all.

People are tallying their blessings.

Offering up daily reminders on Facebook for all the good in their lives.

Gratitude is a lovely practice, an aspect of mindfulness that can be easily overlooked in the hustle and bustle of a busy day.

But what do we do when it feels like our cup runneth over with the good stuff?

And I mean runneth over to the point where it might go from good to not-so-good?

In those moments, do we have permission to say when?

Can we put our hand up as the world is pouring in and say,

“That’s enough, thanks!”

Another chance to practice your no’s

overflowSaying when is just another place to practice some boundaries.

Often, we think of setting boundaries and limits against things we don’t want.

But what about the times when there’s good stuff coming, and it will keep coming until we say when?

That’s also a perfectly good reason to say no.  But it can feel harder to do, actually.

You might be saying, “But I like doing this” or “But this is actually something I want.”

Look at quantity.  Look at the whole picture.  Take the bird’s eye view.  Does it fit in well right now?

Say no, so you can say yes to something else.

Yes to you.

Yes to a fun, free afternoon.

Yes to a bit of peace and quiet.  Or whatever you might be needing these days.

Say when.

window mugSo what about you?

Is it time to say when?

Maybe it’s a perfectly lovely opportunity you’re being offered.  But there’s something off.

The timing, the topic.

Just a feeling in your gut.

It’s okay.

It’s perfectly acceptable to just say when.

Don’t let abundance become a crisis.

Say when.
Say when.
Say when.

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